IRNDP is a multinational network bringing together researchers who are working to reduce the risk of dementia across the world.

The mentoring and career development of early career researchers (ECRs) is an important part of building capacity in dementia prevention and cognitive health research, now and in the future. This survey provides participants with an opportunity to advise what support is needed most and to identify any gaps in that support.

The results may assist IRNDP in developing tools, strategies and projects that will help to support ECR aims and aspirations in dementia prevention research.

You don’t need to be a member of IRNDP in order to complete the survey (although we hope that you will become one). Please feel free to email your ECR colleagues in the field about the survey too.

Click here to complete the survey.

The survey closed on 31 December 2017.

Thank you to all contributors. 

IRNDP is a project of the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC). The Australian National University provided the Qualtrics software to create our survey.